
Piloting TRACE 2.0 and Promoting Energy Efficiency Assessments among Ukrainian Cities

Name of Client: The World Bank

Period of Performance: December 2015 - April 2016

Under the Energy Efficiency Transformation in Cities TA - supported by the Cities Energy Efficiency Transformation Initiative (CEETI) of the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) – ESCO ECOSYS has been assisting the three Ukrainian cities Kiev, Ternopil and Kamianetsk-Podilsky in building local capacity for developing and implementing transformational energy efficiency investments in municipal services, infrastructure, and buildings since 2014.

Building upon those efforts the fourth Ukrainian city Zaporizhia was selected to benefit from an urban energy efficiency assessment and preliminary identification of potential energy efficiency investment projects. Moreover, the new Tool for Rapid Assessment of City Energy (TRACE) 2.0 was disseminated to other Covenant of Mayor (CoM) signatory cities by training representatives of selected cities and staff of the Association of EE Cities in Ukraine.

Project activities include:
Urban energy efficiency assessment

  • Assist Zaporizhia to carry out urban energy assessment by piloting the new Tool for Rapid Assessment of City Energy (TRACE 2.0)
  • Based on TRACE results develop a pipeline with potential investment projects in the municipal sectors
  • Disseminate best practices and lessons learned with cities throughout Ukraine

    • City Energy Efficiency Assessment Report City of Zaporizhia

      TRACE 2.0 dissemination in Ukraine
      • Develop a training program incl. translation of manuals, presentations, case studies and exercises
      • Translate TRACE 2.0 into Russian
      • Deliver training in two sessions 1,5 days each in Lviv and Dnipropetrovsk to selected cities representatives.

        TRACE covers energy efficiency across six municipal sectors - transport, waste, water & wastewater, power & heat, public lighting, and public buildings, as well as organizational management. The TRACE assessment prioritizes sectors with significant energy savings potential, and identifies priority energy efficiency interventions. TRACE sectors

        See also:
        Energy Efficiency Transformation in Ukrainian Cities

11 Mayakovsky Ave., Zaporizhia, 69035, Ukraine

tel. +380 61 224 68 12, tel./fax +380 61 224 66 86