Conducting energy audits of investment energy efficiency projects for clients of the GGF bank-partner
Name of client: The Green for Growth Fund Southeast Europe (GGF)
Period of Performance: January 2014 - ongoing
GGF is supporting the Ukrainian bank "Megabank" in the expansion of its energy efficiency loan portfolio. The aim of Megabank is to use the funds provided by GGF for energy efficiency (EE) loans to SMEs, in order to finance standard and non-standard EE measures. The GGF Technical Assistance Facility supports the bank in establishing procedures to verify the energy savings and CO2 emission reduction effects of these measures.
Project activities include:
- Conducting simple, detailed and holistic energy audits for EE measures to be implemented by the clients of the "Megabank"
- Technical and economic analysis of investment projects
- Estimates of environmental effects, reducing emissions and primary energy consumption
- Preparing adapted guidelines/instruction for "Megabank" on how to request energy audits
- Providing material for the training on different types of energy audits and the procedures for requesting them.